What is the relationship between beauty and the success of society? Can beauty really help a person’s growth and social success and ultimately lead to his happiness? The answer to this question is found in the latest research of the University of Texas, USA
The University of Texas at Austin, America, in its latest research called “Is beauty the secret of happiness?” Once again, he has discussed the wide-ranging and eternal discussion of physical beauty and its impact on our lives.
For this purpose, the opinions of more than 25,000 people in 4 countries were collected and analyzed by two economists named Daniel Hamramesh and Jason Abrawaya
In this research, the level of success and happiness expressed by people was evaluated based on their physical attractiveness. The result was clear: 10% of people who were in the top 15% of the table in terms of beauty were happier than people who were in the bottom third of the physical standard table. That is, obviously those who were less beautiful were sadder
Daniel Hamramesh says about this: individual beauty makes a person happier. Of course, I know this result is not surprising. But what is surprising is that no one has actually measured this until now.
Now, why were the ordinary ones sadder than the beautiful ones? The answer goes back to the problems they faced over time due to not impressing those around them. They actually earn less money… they have trouble finding a partner for their lives… and they have more trouble being accepted in societies that pay more and more attention to physical beauty
All of this data seems obvious so far. But serious studies show that more attractive people earn an average of 5% more money than others in their lifetime. Beautiful men and women are actually more noticed by their teachers, coaches and people around them